List of 1 items.

  • What is IB?

IB Learners Strive to Be:

List of 10 items.











The IB aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
IB encourages students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.

A highly regarded, academically rich and rigorous program of study, the ultimate goal is to inspire students to view their subjects and their impact from an intercultural perspective and as a citizen of the world. With IB, The Newman School prepares its students for success in the next steps of their education and beyond in the global workplace.

History of IB

The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a non-profit education company founded in 1968 in Geneva to challenge the traditional education model, which relied upon memorization, hermetic subjects, and IQ tests, and was teacher-centered and taught from a national perspective. The IB purposefully deviated in encouraging critical analysis, student choice, transdisciplinarity, and range of skills testing in order to provide a child-centered approach, all designed to educate the whole child from multiple perspectives. 

The organization has evolved and grown significantly over the past fifty five years with 5,700 schools in 160 countries offering IB. 46% of these schools are in the Americas, 23% are in Africa, Europe, Middle East, and 31% are in Asia-Pacific. The curriculum educates students from ages 3 to 19 through the Primary Years Programme, Middle Years Programme (MYP), Diploma Programme (DP), and Career-related Programme. Newman uses MYP in grades 7-10 and DP in grades 11-12. Importantly, the IB gives teachers significant flexibility to shape curriculum, while adhering to program standards. 

Partnerships with fellow IB schools is a benefit, and The Newman School hosted five students and two teachers from Jac. P. Thjisse College in the Netherlands for a week. We are excited to continue with such collaboration across the globe!

Distinguished Among Universities

In studies on the impact of an IB program, statistics note that the Diploma Program was the best predictor of college performance and, across income groups, IB students earned higher grade point averages and graduated at higher rates. Students with an IB education averaged far better acceptance rates to 20 of the nation's most elite universities than non-IB students.

IB courses can be used for advanced placement credit in college. Typically a score of 6 or 7 (out of 7) in a HL course will qualify for credit. A few examples below:
Babson College
Boston College
Stanford University
University of Virginia

Click here to read what colleges are saying about IB.
Newman provides opportunity for students from diverse backgrounds to pursue serious studies in a welcoming and supportive environment where self and community are paramount.